This film is held by the Imperial War Museum (ID: INR 13).


I. BOMBAY UNIVERSITY CONVOCATION - Hid Excellency Sir Roger Lumley, Chancellor of the University presided over the function, where more than 2,5000 candidates were admitted to the various degrees.

I. BOMBAY UNIVERSITY CONVOCATION - The Bombay University Convocation, held recently, was the last convocation to be attended by His Excellency Sir Roger Lumley, Governor of Bombay, who is shortly returning to England. By custom Mr Wadia, the Vice-Chancellor of the university, received Sir Roger and led him to the Convocation Hal. The students - among them a number of ladies - wore traditional gowns and made a colourful procession. Among the prominent people who attended the convocation ceremony were Sir Rustom Masani and Sir Vithal Chandravarkar both ex-Vice-Chancellors of the university. His Excellency presided over the Convocation. "In taking leave of you", said His Excellency in his address, "My prayer is that the university and the colleges may ever be so guided in their high tasks that the young men and women who come to them will find in them the teaching which will be of value to themselves and the inspiration to serve their country and their fellowmen". Over two thousand five hundred candidates were admitted to the various degrees of the Bombay university this year. During the period of five and a half years in which His Excellency Sir Roger Lumley had been the Chancellor of the university, he observed great expansion. In numbers alone, thirteen more colleges and 9,000 more students had been embodied within the university.

II. FOOD AND CLOTH FOR ALL - Mr N R Sarker's conferences with the representatives of the cotton Textile Industry in Bombay regarding Standard Cloth; also his discussion in the Central Food Advisory Council, Delhi, where the food situation was discussed.

II. FOOD AND CLOTH FOR ALL - Those of us who find the present prices of cloth beyond their purse will welcome the solution that has now been reached. Mr N R Sarker, ex-Commence Member of the Government of India who was recently in Bombay met the representatives of the Cotton Textile Industry and an agreement was reached by which about fifteen hundred million yards of Standard Cloth will be made available during the current year for civilian consumption at forty per cent below market rates. Whilst in Bombay, Mr Sarker saw the long queues of men, women and children lining up in front of grain shops. On his return to Delhi he presided over the Central Food Advisory Council Meeting and emphasised that the position of food crops this year does not justify undue alarm. All indications of the coming spring harvest of wheat, barley and grain are, that it will be a bumper crop. He pointed out that the government were doing everything to ensure a free flow of the stock to the market and their equitable distribution. The public must play their part. All those who are storing wheat, rice and other grains beyond their normal requirements are impeding the flow of stock and by so doing committing an anti-social act.

III. PETROL PROBLEM SOLVED - A novel solution of the petrol problem devised by a Karachi jeweller.

III. PETROL PROBLEM SOLVED - Have you a petrol problem? Well, here's an answer. A cinema house at Karachi filmed at show time and not a car in sight. Car owners beg for an extra drop of petrol, but none is available. Hirjee Shivjee, a jeweller had a bright idea, and here it is. It certainly looks different, but serves the purpose, and the one horse power car glides smoothly along. The petrol problem is solved and there is now no need to beg and clamour near a petrol pump. But if you can't afford a car and a horse at the same time, then there is always a camel.

IV. HIGH JUMP DEMONSTRATION BY WORLD CHAMPION - Demonstration by world Champion, Cornelius Johnson, holder of the world's record.

IV. HIGH JUMP DEMONSTRATION BY WORLD CHAMPION - A large number of enthusiastic spectators and athletes gathered recently at the Cooperage Maidan, Bombay, to see a High Jump display by California born Cornelius Johnson, holder of the world's high jump record of six feet nine and three-quarter inches. Johnson gave a demonstration of a number of over five foot jumps and also succeeded in clearing six foot and six foot two inch bars. Considering that he has been out of training for nearly three years and that on a sand pit unsuited to his style, Johnson's display was really remarkable, and his display gave valuable hints to young Indian athletes.

V. BYCULLA CUP - Racing in Bombay.

V. BYCULLA CUP - This year's Byculla Club Racing which marks the end of the big meetings of the Mahalaxmi Turf Club, Bombay, provided a big surprise to the race enthusiasts. The attendance was very big. With such well-known horses as 'Finalist', 'Steel Helmet', 'Greetings', 'Carabas', and 'Sitara', enthusiasm ran high among the Punters. There they go! After a perfect start 'Fire Alarm' dashed from outside and as they went round the first turn 'Fire Alarm' was virtually dictating terms to 'clarify', 'Sitara', 'Desert Sunrise', 'Greetings', 'Night Sentry', 'Carabas', 'Steel Helmet', and 'Finalist'. Even at the last bend to the surprise of all, 'Fire Alarm' maintained his pace. As they straightened for home - favourites out of the picture - watch 'Desert Sunrise' shooting forward - but at least he was half a length behind 'fire Alarm' as they passed the winning post followed by 'Steel Helmet', 'Clarify' and 'Finalist'. A bad day for the punters. A big day for the Maharaja of Gwalior. Her Excellency, Lady Lumley presented the trophy to the Maharaja of Gwalior and also congratulated the jockey, stead, on an excellent performance.

VI. GIFTS FOR THE COUNTRY'S FIGHTING MEN - A national procession in Chungking in Free China for the collection of gifts for fighting men at the front.

VI. GIFTS FOR CHINA'S FIGHTING MEN - Chungking in free China recently staged a huge national procession to collect books, pictures, radios, gramophones and any gifts that will provide comfort for the Chinese warriors fighting for the freedom of their nation and the victory of the Allied cause. When these gifts reach the men in the front lines they will be supported and strengthened by the thousand any affection of those at home. These pictures prove that in spite of years of war against a brutal enemy and in spite of the great hardships which China has experienced, her heroic spirit and morale is high. The civilians and the fighting men have combined together - China is united today - they realise that this is everybody's war. It is this spirit of the people that has made it possible for China to continue the struggle over many weary years. United with the Allies, China is again on the offensive and the Japs are suffering reverses in China as in the Pacific.


Date: Based on Commentary sheet annotation.



  • INDIAN MOVIETONE NEWS NO 13 (1943-03-30)
Series Title:

Technical Data

Running Time:
8 minutes
Film Gauge (Format):
700 ft

Production Credits

Production Countries:
GB, India
Department of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India
Moylan, William J (FRGS, FRSA)
Moylan, William J (FRGS, FRSA)