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    RAF film on the Falcons parachute display team, beginning with training in the Persian Gulf during which the team are shown practising manoeuvres while in freefall from 12,000 feet. The Falcons then move on to an eight week tour of Australia as part ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Colour newsreel dated 1971

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films purchased from the collection of Henry Berriff, a cameraman in the ...


    Service Recruiting film intended to recruit teachers to work in British service schools overseas, particularly in Malta, Cyprus and Hong Kong. The film describes the problems faced by families that spend a considerable amount of time moving due to ...

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Thames TV, 1968-92]Great Britain

    A detailed and comprehensive examination of the developing economies of the Caribbean, specifically the island of St. Lucia and the republic of Guyana on the South American coast.

    Begins by looking ...


    HM ships Bossington, Hubberston and Maxton leave HMS Tamar, Hong Kong, on the start of the 80-day voyage back to Britain.

    Captain goes up gangway onto HMS Bossington alongside in ...

    Great Britain

    The story of Rhodes' influence in Africa. Includes exterior of house where he was born; his grave; African mining towns; Rhodesia and Oxford Colleges(?).


    Tells the story of a typical RAF trooping from Brize Norton to Hong Kong, illustrating the work of the Air Movements organisation in its passenger handling role.


    Content information copied from SSVC RAF Catalogue of Training Films & ...

    Wainwright Collection

    Good shots of local children, sailing, donkey race, etc.


    Illustrates the procedures to be carried out for approaches to, and departures from, Kai Tak Airport, Hong Kong.


    Content information copied from SSVC RAF Catalogue of Training Films & Video Tapes 1989