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    Great Britain

    The making of taufolo from bread-fruit. Women make thatch panels from sugar cane leaf. Making of cord from strands from a coconut husk. Old men plait the cord. Cooking of cuttlefish (or small octopus) in its own ink. Thatched panels are ...

    Great Britain

    Material from films nos 1-4 and 9-13 is included in films nos. 5-7.


    Procession involving the Etsu of Nupe; shots of life in the town of Bida, Nigeria

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    News from Nyasaland - new archbishop, Lord and Lady Armitage return from London.

    Employment for Young Africans - Bulawayo African youth employment centre.

    Passing out Parade - Dalhousie inspects ...

    Great Britain

    Documentary featuring the Kariba Dam, Victoria Falls and Wankie game reserve.

    Great Britain

    Material from films nos 1-4 and 9-13 is included in films nos. 5-7.

    Great Britain

    Material from films nos. 1-4 and 9-13 is included in films nos. 5-7.


    ZANZIBAR 1959

    Great Britain

    Zanzibar: city scenes, clove growing, coconut growing, etc.

    Coast. City streets, passers-by, merchants. Metalworkers, basket-makers, food sellers, drinking tea and coffee. (?)Government buildings. Doorways with ornate Islamic ...


    The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Prince Henry and Princess Alice, on a tour of Eastern Nigeria, the Southern Cameroons and Lagos as the Federation of Nigeria approaches full independence and entry into the Commonwealth, starting 12 May 1959. ...


    The Emir's palace and town street scenes in Zaria, Nigeria

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Golf Date in Limbe. Paramount Chief Tours S. Rhodesia - chief of Barotseland visits Kariba, Salisbury, Wankie hospital.

    Forestry Experts Swap Ideas - meeting in Ndola.

    Progress on the Kyle Dam ...


    KARIBA 1959


    The building of the Kariba dam.