Film explaining the merits of the Malayan Federation's Employee's Provident Fund.
Many happy families, such as the Wongs, can afford to look after their aging parents, but many people without support have to beg. ...
Film explaining the merits of the Malayan Federation's Employee's Provident Fund.
Many happy families, such as the Wongs, can afford to look after their aging parents, but many people without support have to beg. ...
Fifth film in a series showing the story of air power and its impact on the world. This film illustrates the war in the desert and the desert air force.
Since World War One the Middle East has been ...
Sixth film in a series showing the story of air power and its impact on the world. This episode shows the strength of Combined Operations.
The film shows: attempts to break into Norway; Objective Dieppe ...
Seventh film in a series showing the story of air power and its impact on the world. This episode shows the war in the Far East, indicating Japan's growing involvement and strength.
The film shows that ...
The background to the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya and steps being taken to suppress it.
The film opens with dramatised footage of a village being burned and its inhabitants slaughtered by Mau Mau terrorists. ...
Scenes in Barotseland
Production / Donor Details: Mr Bryan was an Education Officer in Northern Rhodesia from 1953 - 1961.
This film occurs totally on or near the waterside, river delta or harbour. The latter part appears most likely to be at Freetown, Sierra Leone. In the early stages some bird life is featured but by the end of the reel we are ...
Multiple reels on DVD. South African safari (4 reels). Home at Kaduna. Christmas 1954. Nativity Pageant, Kaduna. Wedding. Journey to Jos. Family scenes, Kaduna. Mango pickers. Racing cars. Train journey (to Jos?). Air journey ( ...
Some aspects of Singapore's social welfare services in a story centred on Yoke Heng, whose parents enter a hospital. How he and his brothers and sisters are cared for until the family is reunited in a new municipal flat.
Horace Underwood and Percy Chen on Communist China. The influx of refugees to Hong Kong and the problems caused.
Begins with title board for Roach film 'Scenes in the Seychelles'. Then changes to colour family footage. Girls sitting on giant tortoise. Beach scenes, ships (colour). Revert to b/w (possibly footage from 'ScenesÂ…'?). Shipboard scenes. ...
(Part 1) Sir Rhoderick is met at Luqa Airport by Admiral Mountbatten (C-in-C Med) and inspects RAF Guard of Honour. General Lawton Collins US Army (US delegate to Standing Group), Admirals Nomy and Lemonnier (French Navy), ...