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    Allied Air Commander-in-Chief, Air Marshal Sir Keith Park, visits a forward airfield on the Mandalay Front, Burma.

    Air Marshal Park talking with Group Captain H Goddard and Air Vice Marshal Vincent, Air ...

    ... so details as to location, date, unit, etc are unclear. See also JFU 236, which probably shows the same visit. Reference to Sadaung and Sagaing means this footage may be related to Mountbatten's visit to Mandalay, after its fall in late March 1945.

    ... of the Prince of Wales' tour of India and Burma, 1921-22. Covering Bombay, Poona, Bharatpur, Allahabad, Lucknow, Benares, Rangoon, Mandalay, Nepal, Madras, Patiala and the Khyber Pass. Also featuring a tiger hunt, pig-sticking, horse racing, polo and ...
    Towill Collection

    Intertitles. Village life in India, location unidentified. Shoeing an ox; preparing toddy; pottery. Various scenes in Burma, inc. Mandalay Bazaar. Scenes in Benares; ghats. Puri indicated on intertitle, but film ends.

    ... down spire of Shwe Dagon Pagoda in centre of Rangoon and shows temple lion statues and feeding of pigeons. Views of former capital Mandalay show the moat surrounding the Fort and a temple.

    III. Spring thaw hampers German armour on Central Sector of ...

    ... ; it is marked with the badge of XXXIII Indian Corps.


    The dopesheet gives the location as Yadaw '44 miles up[stream from] Mandalay'. The dopesheet states the river is the Irrawaddy, but might in fact be the Mu River, Yadaw being near ...

    ... , many of the men are unshaven and carry Lee-Enfield .303-in Mk III rifles. A Chindit crouches by the tracks of the Mandalay-Myitkyina railway, manning a Vickers .303-in water-cooled heavy machine gun mounted on a tripod. A bare-chested Chindit fires a ...
    ... of Greek civilians hold Allied Flags and placards, one of which reads "English, Greece is grateful to you - EAS."

    III. 'ROAD TO MANDALAY.' United States Army Air Force (USAAF) Douglas C-47 Skytrain transport aircraft drop supplies at low-level to ...

    ... shows the US national flag being hoisted on Iwo Jima. Lord Louis Mountbatten chats to General Sir William Slim during a visit to Mandalay in Burma (cf WPN 301). A map shows the location of Okinawa. US M4 Sherman flame throwing tanks (M4 POA-CWS 75-HI flame ...
    Allied Military Government

    I. Allies capture Mandalay.Film of air strikes and street fighting; soldiers and locals fraternise; Lord Mountbatten.

    II. Film of German surrenders. German surrenders at Caserta, at Lneburg Heath (Montgomery, Friedeburg ...

    ... the monsoon, reaching the Irrawaddy in early 1945, and crossing it in the boats built by Slim's forces. They take Mandalay in March 1945. In this episode, Mountbatten pays tribute to the commanders under him, Stilwell, Wingate (rather modified praise) and ...