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The control of hookworm disease in Kenya.
DRAMA. A love story of two generations.
R.1 Dr. Martin Sumner, a Victorian country doctor and early motor enthusiast, meets Dora ...
INTEREST. Travelogue. A journey through Egypt on a Nile steamboat. The boat passes all types of rivercraft (120), stretches of ...
Filmed amongst the Sura and Angas people of the Bauchi Plateau in Northern Nigeria, where the rivalry between a British ...
DOCUMENTARY. Sections of footage showing African wildlife and penguins.
MCU pile of film cans, the top can is marked with Cherry ...
A record of Sir Alan Cobham's flight from London (Stag Lane) to the Cape Town South Africa. The flight - ...
Scenes from Basutoland.
The intertitles outline a history of Basutoland, interspersed with shots of a Bushman and a tribal leader, before ...
Filmed on behalf of the British Cotton Growing Association and the Empire Cotton Association, the film shows cotton growing and ...
DOCUMENTARY. Extract showing scenes of an African native funeral, in which women dance around the seated corpse (43-162); a montage ...
"A GOLD COAST ROMANCE - Police Corporal Williams and his dusky bride, from the Exhibition native village, married at St. ...